Hectic Days


Hectic days
Weekends are only time ,we usually get time to explore the places around…
May be this weekend life planned my surprise…
Which was unfolded until the moment…
In Those few seconds, flashed all the beautiful moments of life….
Those beautiful moments of past, which always stretched my lips…
While ascending on a escalator of a mall
Once again, my heart missed its beat for a while
Because it recognised a familiar face..
The face ,my heart always reflects at dark nights in my apartment
And time spent with that special person ,because until now they were always my favourite playlist moments..
That familiar face was the same ….
After getting down from the past and escalator
We both smiled at each other….
“How are you?”was the first question I asked her….
I’m good 😊 she replied….
After that we had a conversation with a cups of coffee

Finally I met my ex -love after 5 years,
We didn’t judged our decisions
We just made one more memory
She is the same ,but
She is happy married women now…

Anish scribbled one more experience in his diary….


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