That ladybird!


My first love,I said pointing the picture of me on my favourite bicycle

Remember ?we all have that love towards objects, people at every stage of life.
This bicycle was my best friend ,
I have spent most precious moments of childhood with it.
Sunday morning, after school racing or those restless summer afternoon’s to enjoy the ride and exploring the streets!

Alike every stage ,replacing the objects and people and feelings is the process of growing
I never met my favourite bicycle after that.
My mom gave it to the needy, one day.

Isn’t it strange?
Something so close to you in a phase,you have invested time, affection and jotted in the list of best and as time passes, eventually you have to replace it.
When it comes to’s works similar way,you can’t meet the same person like before.There are changes and that makes you feel they are all new.
So strange every day nothing changes but when we look back nothing is same.


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