Ways to Work from Home during the Coronavirus Outbreak


As the outbreak of COVID-19, we all aware the situation and consequences facing by the people all over the world. As more and more companies implementing work-from-home policies. While work from home sounds safe and luxurious. In real achieving the productivity without normal routine and resources becomes an upside down challenge to employees.
Here are some best tips to work from home

1. Follow your routine 

Though working from home. Maintaining a routine and wake up at your normal time, shower, and dress up like a professional, prepare a mind-set “I’m going to work.”

 2. Create Workspace

Create workspace, rather than seating on the bed. It’s important to move to couch, sofa or study table.Atleast use your dining table, sit and start the day.

3. Schedule your day 

It’s easy when you are independent bachelor or spinster, but it becomes a challenge to work from home when you have kids or infants at home. Balancing both professional and parenthood becomes dead difficult.

So, schedule your day. Start your day early If you have school going kids and as most of the day care centres are shut,give them an exercise of art,indoor games, Sudoku which will

keep them entertained while you are handling your office work.
So that you can focus on your work by maintaining your kids safety.

 Seek your elders help if you have an infant at home.co-parent, take turns between taking care of kids and working.

4.Eat on time, Wash your hands, Maintain Sanitation

 Wash your hands at regular intervals. Make sure you have a hand sanitizer handy and use tissue while coughing and sneezing. 
As the viruses are becoming stronger it’s our responsibility to have immune boosting foods.
 Keep yourself hydrated. 

Make sure your surroundings are clean. Keep an alarm and ask your kids to wash their hands at regular intervals.

5. Stay connected with your colleagues.

 As your co-worker isn’t a chair away. Make sure you communicate well with your co-workers on phone, Skype or on common platform available if any medical emergency or if you are unwell kindly inform your colleagues in order avoid serious illness and lag of work.

Create to-do lists and share the status of your list with superiors,so they know you’re on top of your work.

6. Be Aware but don’t panic

It’s good to aware the status and statistics of the cases. Don’t let tons of information on media turn your awareness in to panic mode.

Take the precautions while working, seek the doctor consultation if needed. 

Concentrate on health, work, productivity and family.

stay safe!

see you next week

Likhitha Srinivasan


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