Feeling Low? Here are 5 ideas to lighten up your mood.


Are you working from Home? Away from home in this pandemic? Every day we have stacks of negative news on our table, on our phones. It’s okay to feel low. To survive this, you need to love yourself every day a little extra.

Here are five ideas you can try:

1. Write a letter to yourself

Yes, you heard me right! Write all the things you love in yourself. Write the things out of your heart. One day these letters will become your achievements.

2. Talk to your dear ones

Yes, after a long monotonous day at work, when loneliness surrounds. Talk to your dear ones it can be both audio and video call. It’s important to understand that you have people to love and support.

3. Sort your Playlist:

Music has the power to change the mood. Try listening to your favorite singer songs.

4. Warm Showers

Warm showers give you a pleasant and refreshing feeling and fragrance of the soaps, body wash helps you to shift your awareness.

5. Grab chocolates:

Next time when you visit the grocery store don’t forget to grab some dark chocolates for yourself. Research has proven that consuming dark chocolate regularly leads to a decrease in stress hormones including cortisol in people under high levels of stress. It is courtesy of the abundance of beneficial antioxidants in chocolate.

In this pandemic learn to take care of yourself and concentrate on more on the things that bring positivity to you.

See you Soon
Likhitha Srinivasan


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